Case study

Streamlining Turnaround Operations for a Leading Petrochemical Company

A leading petrochemical refinery faced challenges conducting plant shutdowns for general maintenance and small capital projects.

Project size

285 work packages
10,400 Direct field man hours



Resourcing issues within the company hindered efficient

turnaround execution.

Difficulty in creating and integrated schedule for tracking progress

during the turnaround.

Lack of tailor-made reporting system for management to drive

the turnaround effectively.


Advando approach

Conducted interviews with internal and external stakeholders to align goals

and achieve cost/time efficiency.

Developed a dynamic scheduling approach to accommodate changes

while considering resource constraints.

Provided tailor-made reporting systems to monitor turnaround progress

and facilitate quick decision-making.


Key takeaways

Planning & Scheduling require collaborative efforts among teams &


Dynamic Scheduling Methodology, enhances turnarounds control and


Productivity-driven calendars and resource leveling enable better

forecasting of resourcing impacts.



Digitally progressed works via TACS, enhancing efficiency and accuracy in tracking.

Achieved a 100% RTO rate using Advando’s online TACS handover tool.

Successful alignment of teams internally and externally, fostering collaboration and synergy.

Integration of Dynamic Scheduling Methodology enabled proactive management of the turnaround.